Hey, Sookie, Happy Birthday!

Anna find viagra without prescription Paquin implineste astazi 31 de ani. Iar eu mi-am amintit de ea in rolul din “The Piano”, film pe care mi-am propus sa il revad, cat de curand.

Pentru fanii “True Blood”,  cred ca stiti deja ca pe 2 august incepe noul sezon pe HBO Romania. Ma numar printre cei care o urmaresc pe Mrs. Paquin-Moyer in rolul Sookie Stackhouse si imi imaginez uneori ce as face daca as avea puteri supranaturale.

Am ales pentru albumul meu cateva imagini cu Anna Paquin in diverse ipostaze si in sfarsit am gasit un cuplu post 2000 care arata impecabil: Anna Paquin si sotul sau (Bill Compton din “True Blood”), Stephen Moyer. Eleganti, chiar si atunci cand isi plimba gemenii sau cateii prin Venice.

Surse de inspiratie: http://hqdesktop.net, http://wallpoper.com, http://noodlefoodle.blogspot.ro, http://www.fanpop.com, http://www.allstephenmoyer.com, http://www.justjared.com, http://tchadquarterly.com, http://celebbabylaundry.com, http://www.sneakpeek.ca/, http://www.moviemoviesite.com


People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!



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