Afisele mele preferate de la Cannes Film Festival

Afisele mele preferate de la Cannes Film Festival

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Pentru ca afara ploua si pentru ca mai sunt cateva zile de festival la Cannes, inainte sa merg la vernisajul lui Cornel Lazia si sa vad apoi cateva filme bune, mi-am pregatit un album cu afisele Cannes Film Festival preferate, de la inceput si pana anul acesta.

O seara minunata va doresc!


Surse de inspiratie:

People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!


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