Homage to “Uncle Marin, the Billionaire”

Homage to “Uncle Marin, the Billionaire”

deschidere mare

Cel mai vizionat film romanesc de pana acum implineste astazi 37 de ani.

Stiu ca nu e o cifra rotunda, dar nu am vrut sa mai astept pana la aniversarea de 40 de ani.

Asa ca i-am sunat pe dragii mei Ana Morodan & Ovidiu Muresanu si le-am propus sa sarbatorim acest moment aniversar impreuna, cu o sedinta foto fara prea multe pregatiri, in spatiul cel hip de la Molecule-F Concept Store din Promenada.

Am luat niste ochelari de la OPTIblu Romania, care sa te duca cu gandul la frumosii ani ’70 si am intrat putin in pielea personajelor. Ana este Stela Popescu, Ovidiu – Amza Pellea si eu, Vasilica Tastaman, una dintre actritele mele preferate si cred eu, subestimate.

Ana poarta ochelari de soare Prada, eu am ochelari Max Mara iar Ovidiu si-a ales niste ochelari Dolce & Gabbana.



putina drama

putina drama


preferata Ovidiu, dreapta

nehotarati, preferata 2 Ovidiu

in toate directiile


Lipseste vestita papornita, dar promitem sa reeditam aceasta sedinta foto la aniversarea a 50 de ani de la lansarea filmului.

Ne revedem in 5 februarie 2029. Si vom fi tot noi, fara photoshop, poate cu alte haine si cu papornita, dar la fel de young at heart.

love you, guys

love you, guys

To be continued.


foto:, arhiva personala (Mircea Dragomir)


People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!


  1. Aashu

    14 February

    I’ve only made one attempt to rrcoedupe my mother’s placinta (Romanian cheese filled strudel) following her instructions to utter failure. Unfortunately, my mother passed away last year so it’s not possible to get more clarification of her recipe. I hope to be able to get some tips and tricks from the one you posted above.She was able to stretch her dough to cover the entire kitchen table with no tears and she didn’t even make the strudel that often so it’s not like she was practicing weekly. I’d like to get that good.

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