Shout, let it all out


Acum vreo doua saptamani, Avi, fiul meu, a descoperit “Shout”, celebrul hit al lui Tears for Fears, lansat in urma cu aproape 32 de ani. Eu aveam 12 ani atunci si am dansat pe aceasta melodie la toate reuniunile din liceu (asa se numeau petrecerile la acea vreme), apoi am ascultat-o in studentie si i-am revazut cu nostalgie videoclipul, in serile de oldies de pe VH1.

Versurile melodiei mi se par atat de potrivite cu orice perioada. “Shout” este strigatul de revolta al fiecaruia dintre noi. Rupem tacerea si ne cerem drepturile. Si, cel mai important, asa cum a spus Roland Orzabal, “Shout” incurajeaza oamenii sa nu faca lucruri fara sa verifice mai intai de ce trebuie sa le faca.

Curt Smith, Roland Orzabal, you will always be a part of my beautiful years.




Let it all out

These are the things I can do without

Come on

I’m talking to you

Come on

In violent times

You shouldn’t have to sell your soul

In black and white

They really really ought to know

Those one track minds

That took you for a working boy

Kiss them goodbye

You shouldn’t have to jump for joy

You shouldn’t have to jump for joy



Let it all out

These are the things I can do without

Come on

I’m talking to you

Come on

They gave you life

And in return you gave them hell

As cold as ice

I hope we live to tell the tale

I hope we live to…




Let it all out

These are the things I can do without

Come on

I’m talking to you

Come on

And when you’ve taken down your guard

If I could change your mind

I’d really love to break your heart

I’d really love to…



Let it all out

These are the things I can do without

Come on

I’m talking to you

Come on

[repeat until fade]

Sursa foto & lyrics: Youtube,


People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!


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