Placerea mea de miercuri. “The Seven Year Itch” - Placerile Lui Noe

Placerea mea de miercuri. “The Seven Year Itch”...

Placerea mea de miercuri. “The Seven Year Itch”

In data de 20 noiembrie 1952 a avut loc premiera piesei “The Seven Year Itch” a dramaturgului american George Axelrod. In rolurile principale au jucat Tom Ewell si Vanessa Brown.

George Axelrod

George Axelrod

Tom Ewell si Vanessa Brown, "Seven Year Itch" piesa

Tom Ewell si Vanessa Brown, "Seven Year Itch" piesa

Trei ani mai tarziu regizorul Billy Wilder avea sa ecranizeze piesa in filmul omonim cu acelasi Tom Ewell si cu Marilyn Monroe. Iar fotografia din timpul filmarilor, cu Monroe imbracata in rochia alba, deasupra gurii de aerisire este una dintre cele mai emblematice imagini cinematografice.

Billy Wilder, Tom Ewell si Marilyn Monroe, "The Seven Year Itch" filmul

Billy Wilder, Tom Ewell si Marilyn Monroe, "The Seven Year Itch" filmul


Surse de inspiratie foto:,,,,


People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!


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