L.P. is the New Black



Are 35 de ani si a compus pentru Rihanna si Christina Aguilera.

Nu am auzit de ea pana acum vreo luna, cand, la finalul ultimului episod din seria numarul 4 “Orange is the New Black” am auzit o melodie superba, “Muddy Waters”. (apropo, este episodul meu preferat, din toate seriile de pana acum).


Dragelor si dragilor, in caz ca nu i-ati ascultat cantecele, do this.

LP (Laura Pergolizzi) este minunata.



“Lost on you” e superba in sesiunea live si in general, toate live-urile lui L.P. sunt impecabile. Sper sa vina in concert in Romania, da, da, as vrea.

Surse de inspiratie: Wikipedia, http://pressplayok.com, http://www.listal.com



People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!


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