Mirren. Helen Mirren

Astazi este ziua actritei mele preferate, Dame Helen Mirren, care implineste 67 de ani. S-a scris deja despre originile sale slave (bunicul sau a fost colonel in armata tarului, ulterior diplomat  si a reusit sa fuga cu familia in Anglia in timpul revolutiei ruse), despre tatal sau, violinist la Filarmonica din Londra devenit ulterior sofer de taxi si apoi examinator la testele de taximetrie in Ministerul Transporturilor britanic.  

Mirren a fost acceptata la National Youth Theatre pe cand avea 18 ani iar primul sau rol a fost Cleopatra, la Old Vic. Au urmat nenumarate piese pe scena Teatrului National din Londra si in paralel pe Broadway.

Am vazut-o prima data pe Helen Mirren in “White Nights”, alaturi de Mikhail Baryshnikov si Gregory Hines si ulterior in serialul “Prime Suspect” si in “The Queen”, unde a fost magistrala. Au urmat “The Comfort of Strangers”, “The Pledge” si “Arthur” (vazut chiar in urma cu o luna, pe HBO).

Vreau sa o vad pe Mirren in “Caligula”, “The Madness of King George”, “Gosford Park”, “Calendar Girls”, "The last station", “The Debt” si “Cal” si mai vreau sa citesc cartea sa autobiografica “In the Frame: My Life in Words and Pictures”, publicata in urma cu cinci ani.

Helen Mirren este casatorita din 1997 cu regizorul Taylor Hackford (“Ofiter si Gentleman”), pe care l-a cunoscut in timpul filmarilor la “White Nights”, in anul 1985.

Mirren fotografiata de Juergen Teller

“Flesh sells. People don't want to see pictures of churches. They want to see naked bodies”.

“The trick in life is learning how to deal with it”.

Hellen Mirren si Judi Dench in Vanity Fair

Surse: Wikipedia, http://www.ign.com, http://www.allposters.co.uk/, http://om911.com, http://oignonsetail.wordpress.com, http://moviecarpet.com, http://www.filmreference.com, http://www.camillereads.com, http://yvessalmon.blogspot.ro, http://www.listal.com, http://www.brainyquote.com,

People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!


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