La multi ani, Philips!

La multi ani, Philips!

Astazi compania Philips implineste 123 de ani. Este data furnizata de Wikipedia, in cautarea mea de aniversari ale unor branduri care imi plac.

Philips a fost fondata asadar in 15 mai 1891 de catre Gerard Philips si tatal sau, Frederik la Eindhoven, un oras aflat in sudul Olandei, iar fabrica veche a fost transformata in muzeu. Asa ca, daca ajungeti in zona, cred ca e foarte interesant de vazut exponatele.

Eu am un toaster Philips, cumparat prin 1997, care are un model foarte retro si un fier de calcat care functioneaza impecabil si este din generatia 2008. A, si un storcator de fructe cu design minimalist cumparat in 2009.

Philips, La Multi Ani!


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People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!


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