A song for these days



Tot ce se intampla in lume in acest moment, toata ura, toate legile sinistre care contrazic principiile democratiei; toata revolta maselor, satule sa fie sfidate de catre politicieni corupti si corporatii pentru care banii inseamna totul, well, toate astea mi-au adus aminte de cantecul “Mad World” al lui Tears for Fears (band destul de prezent pe blogul meu), cantec lansat in urma cu aproape 35 de ani.


deschidere mare

Atunci cand eram copil si fredonam “Sa fie pace in lume”, chiar credeam ca asta se va intampla intr-o zi. Acum am incredere ca fiecare generatie va fi reprezentata de “fighters for freedom” pasnici, care vor reusi sa isi foloseasca cuvintele si abilitatile diplomatice atat de bine, incat va fi pace, intr-un final.


Imi place mult si cover-ul “Mad World” cantat de Gary Jules, varianta pe care o gasiti aici:



Sursa foto: https://ro.pinterest.com/pin/560698222327822066/, youtube



People, Places, Projects, Plans, Special moments, all connected in my journal of memoires. My memoirs, seeking for the good times lived by me & by the others. I believe in gentle hood and in nomad thinking. I believe in the progress of humankind and hope this will happen during my lifetime. Welcome aboard!


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